“Stacey literally saved my sanity! As a new mom at 34 years old, I was struggling with PPD and didn't realize it. My daughter was 2 months old at the time. I decided to go to a PPD meeting and that is where my life changed for the better. I met Stacey there and she was the one person that stood out to me. As a total stranger, she reached out with love and compassion and told me that she completely understood. I remember her saying that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that the light is not that of a freight train coming at me! I am forever grateful to Stacey! My daughter is now 6 years old and thriving as I am too! Thank you Stacey!"
-Mother of 1
"I always looked forward to the mornings Stacey came to our home...
I'd count down the minutes at times. It felt like such a relief to have an easy support person in our home who made myself and my kids feel comfortable. I truly believe Stacey is one of a kind and has such a genuine passion for nurturing moms and families."
— Postpartum Mom of 2
“Stacey Figg is a passionate, knowledgeable, and caring professional and mom. In the time I have known her, she has been a strong advocate for others struggling with postpartum depression and other perinatal mood disorders (PMD). Whether speaking to groups about PMD or providing support to moms who are struggling, Stacey is great asset to those around her.”
— Gretchen, RN
"Stacey was accommodating to me in many ways.
From helping with my children to listening to me vent about anything and everything. She was there for me not only as an extra hand but as a friend as well. She is very understanding, supportive, and sympathetic. But she is also humorous, friendly, and pleasant to be around. I would recommend her services to anybody!"
— Sabryna, mother of 6
"Stacey’s story about her struggles with PPD and overcoming them with strength and dignity is inspiring. She has turned her suffering into action to make sure other mothers do not struggle the way she did. Stacey is driven, compassionate, and knowledgeable about family issues and resources in our community. She is an incredible advocate and support for mothers and their families."
— Sara Binkley-Tow, Executive Director and Co-Founder of MomsBloom, Inc.
I had severe postpartum depression/anxiety/psychosis and she was such an integral part to my healing. Not only did she provide emotional support but she did the nuts and bolts of what I needed to do — like recognizing I needed a new psychiatrist and doing the work to get me one when I couldn't do it myself because I was in such a fog. My husband said more than a few times that it would have taken so much longer for me to heal if I didn't have Stacey helping me along the way."
-Mother of 1
"Stacey is a powerful force, advocating for Moms with Perinatal Mood Disorders. She is compassionate, knowledgeable, kind, and leaves an unmistakable impression with those families she works with. Our community is fortunate to have her services available for our new Moms and Dads."
— Nancy
I reached out to Stacey during a very difficult time of early pregnancy. My circumstances were unforeseen and overwhelming. I had some difficult decisions and medical expenses ahead of me and no meaningful support. Stacey walked through the journey with me and supported every decision I needed to make. There are a lot of early pregnancy challenges I know other women go through and they are often steeped in shame and secrecy. Having Stacey's support made all the difference! I wasn't alone during a really private and painful life experience.
— Monica
"Stacey has been supporting mother's and their families for years now with perinatal adjustment.
As a local mental health therapist, I have always valued how Stacey's skill set at networking has supported women with some very challenging and complex situations in getting the full spectrum of support they need. Additionally, I know I can send my own clients to her and she will support them where they are at! Some women have virtually no support in their lives and Stacey's ability to coordinate care for them is phenomenal. She also has a way about her that a new mom with typical supports has a far more enriched postpartum experience and feels confident to be fully present in her new role. Post partum doulas are filling a much needed gap in this day and age when so many of us have less accessible supports in family and friends for the duration of the post partum year and women and families are recognizing that it is healthy for themselves and their children to have support. We are really getting the message that mothers, fathers and caregivers need support to thrive and for their babies to thrive."
— Katie Padron, LMSW
"I was working with a postpartum mom who had severe depression and had been unable to navigate through the "system" — she lived outside the metropolitan GR area and had minimal insurance coverage. I contacted Stacey who not only became her Moms Bloom volunteer, but truly saved this mom's life!! Thanks, Stacey!!"
— Kathy B.
"Stacey has been an incredible blessing!
She has been an amazing support person during our postpartum visits. Her personal experience and knowledge has been a great resource. We quickly developed a wonderful connection that allows for open conversations without the fear of judgement. "
-Mom of 4