What does a postpartum doula do?
• Recovery from pregnancy and birth or adjusting after an adoption
•Transition after surrogacy
• Processing the birth experience
• Infant feeding (breast and bottle)
• Breastfeeding support (production, engorgement, latch, positioning, pumping, etc.)
• Soothing techniques and basic newborn care
• Infant cues and development
• Sleep solutions
• Support with twins, multiples, and special needs babies
• Encourage new parents to trust their instincts
• Promote self care for mom and other caretakers
• Create a nurturing and quiet environment for the family
• Postpartum adjustment for mother, partner, support person, siblings and family unit
• Parent/infant bonding
• Coping skills for new parents
• Overnight Support
• Screening and resources for Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: anxiety, bipolar, depression, OCD, psychosis, etc.
• Offer appropriate referrals or recommendations when necessary
• Attend appointments and run errands as needed
• Organizing family and friend visitations
• Light housework and organization
• Meal preparation
• Prenatal support available
•Postpartum planning
•Grief after miscarriage or stillbirth